Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda was a special person. He was a special human being. He was a special Teacher. A special guru! He was special. HE WAS INDEED VERY SPECIAL! ⠀
Some times, most times, he taught so simply. ⠀
Bhagavan stands and whistles in your backyard. The maximum you do is come to the window, look at Him and tell Him, “I am coming.” But there is too much work at home. You get absorbed and forget that He is still waiting for you! ⠀
Once, Mulla Nasruddin was riding very fast on his donkey. When people asked him, “Where are you going?” He said, “I am looking for my donkey!” We are just the same – looking for Truth, when it is right there, with us. Once you SEE it, you become a SEER!⠀