What we regularly encourage and consistently cultivate in our mind, determines our character formation and ultimately our destiny. Evidently, an intelligent choice of thought changes the character pattern in us, placing thus, the entire destiny of our life in our own hands.
To intelligent man alone is given this freedom for rebuilding the future. A true seeker is he who is constantly asserting, day by day, hour by hour this privilege, We Must.
It is seen everywhere that in this remaking of one’s destiny, there is a negative and a positive approach.
The positive approach essentially is the careful observance of the quality and texture of our thoughts, detecting the dissipations within and eradicating those false values and wrong tendencies in our thought patterns.
To have thus a healthy mind within, one that has learned to negate and weed out its unproductive jungles of thought, is the secret of living in physical well-being, in harmony and happiness.