What does it mean to Live the Divine Life?

Start living the divine life. Then yours shall be the daily experience of the blessings of the Lord even in your simple domestic life. The abuses of others will then be but rare music of divine sweetness to your ears!

The pains of life automatically turn into the joy of existence in the devotee’s heart! Bereavement and losses may blow wild, blasting and wrecking everything around, but you will ever be living quietly in a safe island, undisturbed by these storms. You will rediscover yourself as ever enjoying the scenes of life’s captivating strength and ferocity.

A divine lifer lives in this world, but he is not of it. A true divine lifer is a holiday maker upon this planet. He merely looks on and observes life and its joys and sorrows as lived by the natives. He lives in himself, rarely identifying with his surroundings.

The joys of the world are not his; the sorrows of the world he knows not. He, the divine lifer, knows that he is only on a pleasure trip to this strange globe of impermanence, where a mad emperor – his majesty, the ego – runs wild among the fantasies of his own deranged brain and laughs and weeps alternatively!

You sought a mental identity with his majesty ego, and you are now as mad as the mad emperor. Take some rest and regain your breath. At the refreshing waters of devotion, comfort yourself. As you cool down, you will realise what a sad, tragic, stupendous mistake you have made.

To again be the holiday maker is to live the real life – the life of one who is liberated. To dance in the embrace of mad ego is to sigh and weep all the days of your life – the life of a saṁsārin. Make your choice now, here.