Vision for Chinmaya Family- Part 2

Vision for the Chinmaya Family- Part 2

We shall March along silently and heroically doing our duties to all- demanding no rights or reward. Such mighty-hearted, self-sacrificing, faith-clad soldiers of the Lord are our Mission members.

Our services to the nation, society and home, our untold sacrifices, our joyous kindliness- we shall give out to encourage, to raise and to help revive others around us. This service is our spiritual Sadhana. We serve the Lord through service of the people around us. Every act in life is an act of worship of the ever present Sadashiva (divine purity) everywhere.

In our vision we shall not limit our field to the Hindus only, or to India only. Our vision shall comprehend all mankind, all nations, societies and communities. Mankind is the theme of our devotion; he is our field of worship.

We expect nothing to happen, desire to gain nothing, hope to accomplish nothing more than our own inner spiritual unfoldmenf through our steady, faithful love for humanity.

The Chinmaya Mission members are the servants of the Lord, serving His plans here among our fellowmen. As we do so, we continuously dedicate our sincere activities to the Lord. We believe our religion is the “Cult of Creative Goodness.”

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