Vakya Vritti – A Jnana Yajna in Kannada

Swamini Sampannananda of Malleswaram centre conducted a Jnana Yajna in Kannada taking Vakya Vritti at Chinmaya Mission Centre, Vijayanagar from 13 th to 19 th Oct, 2019. The Yajna was inaugurated by Sri K B Kamath, senior member of the Mission.
She explained how Bhagawan Shankara in Vakya Vritti has beautifully explained unity in diversity through the vision of oneness besides removing all wrong notions that ā€˜Iā€™ am the body. His down to earth examples remove all misconceptions regarding death inspiring the sadhak to lead a fearless life full of meaning and gratefulness just as a Mahatma who revels in His inner peace amidst all the ups and downs in life.
The Yajna was a grand success with participation of several sadhaks.