This beautiful prayer song of utmost devotion and surrender, has been written by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda as his obeisance to Parama Guru Swami Tapovanji Maharaj and Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda.
त्वं हि नो नेता त्वं हि नो दाता । यत्र त्वं नयसि तत्र गच्छामः ।।
कापि नो चिन्ता क्वापि नो भयम् । यदाश्रये तव वर्तामहे सदा ।।
रक्षस्त्वं हि संकटे क्वापि । शिक्षकस्त्वं हि शोभने पथि ।।
देहि नः शक्तिं बुद्धिं तथा भक्तिम् । दर्शिते मार्गे चलनाय नित्यं हि ।।
यदि विस्मरामस्त्वां त्वं न विस्मर न: । बालकास्तव से करुणाकर प्रभो ।।
हे प्रभो! हे विभो ! हे गुरो!
You are our leader and our provider; and we shall follow you wherever you lead us.
We have no worries or fears, for we are always under your protection.
You are indeed our guardian in difficulties and Master on the path of goodness.
Grant us strength, wisdom, and devotion to always walk on the path you have shown us.
O compassionate Master! Please forget us not, even if we do so, as we are your children.
O Omniscient Master! O Omnipresent Master! O Guru!