Think Good, Feel Good, Be Good! – Swami Chinmayananda

Think Good, Feel Good, Be Good!

Every good thought sent out, rebounds with hundred times its force upon the sender himself; so too, bad thoughts. .
So, let us avoid sending out even a single bad thought.

Else sure enough, they will reach us with a multiple strength, gathered during its travel.
At all times send out thoughts of love to all, kindness to all, blessings to all. .

Soon you shall find that ‘the all’, including your enemies, are compelled to come to you and shower you with their love. .

Smile at life and life smiles at you; frown at life and life frowns at you.
Moment-to-moment you have a choice – to create a thought or destroy a thought in you. .

Cleanse your mind.
Train yourself to eliminate all negative thoughts by first controlling them through intelligent vichara (analysis) and eradicate them by constant and deliberate exercise of bringing into the mind steady currents of their opposite, meaning the positive thoughts.

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