The Three P’s of Bala Vihar Classes!

Having developed a mind of his own and hoping to outwit Guruji, a child once asked him, “Can you give me three good reasons why kids should go to BV classes?”

Guruji replied: “Let us suppose that somebody gifts you a flute on your birthday. Does just possessing a flute make you a flutist?
A boy, like you, was gifted a flute by his uncle. A fortnight later, he told his uncle, ’Your gift to me is so good. Thank you!’

His uncle asked, ‘So you like playing the flute?’ The boy replied, ‘No, no, no! My mother gives me two dollars for not playing it during the day and my father gives me two dollars for not playing it at night. So every day I earn four dollars!’ But jokes aside, now tell me this: Suppose you go to a music teacher regularly; then he will teach you music. You practice and that will make you perfect. Right? When you’re perfect, then everybody says, ‘Please sing!’

Punctuality, practice, and perfection — the three P’s happen if you go to BV classes regularly. Then these traits become a part of you.”