“To understand anything is to find in it something which is our own”
—Swami Chinmayananda
We are glad to announce that Chinmaya Arts and Science College for Women, Chala, Kannur, Kerala is conducting CHINARTS WEBINAR SERIES a knowledge sharing Webinar on the topic THE SMARTEST 21ST CENTURY MOVE — from Literary to Electracy on 24th SEP 2020 at 5 PM.
Dr. Chumki Biswas, ELT Researcher & Trainer will be the resource person.
The talk is for academicians, professionals, and students.
Please *Register* using the link
*E-Certificate will be provided to the attendees *
The meeting link will be sent to the registered participants by mail at 10 am on 24th September 2020
The webinar will also be live-streamed in our College Youtube Channel
Stay healthy Stay safe!