The Benefits of An Empowered Mind

We can revive and strengthen the mind by living the discipline of moral values. Reduce ego and selfish desires, and cultivate love and concern for others. Feel an unending need to help others, even at the expense of your own comfort, security, or welfare. These are lived laboriously at first, but soon they become the most enjoyable lifestyle.

Not only do they provide a cheerful and joyous life for yourself and to others around you, but also in a year or two the discipline brings your discriminative power out of its clouds of dullness and incompetency, to shine forth brightly. An awakened intellect makes worldly life more readily successful, and it also reveals the deeper significances of the very existence.

Spiritual search starts for that person. He questions and he successfully seeks. Glimmerings of the larger contents of life come to his recognition. He is well set in study and contemplation. All outer actions start gathering a dazzling polish when the mental values change.

A moral man automatically lives his moral values, just as a musician ever keeps faith in his voice to tone or tune in while singing!! With effortless ease, he becomes gracious and loving toward others, as he has no selfish motive in his dealing with others.

A morally strong person spends less of his mental powers in facing the day to-day problems in his life. Therefore, he conserves his potential mental vitality, which he spends in his creative pursuits of study, reflection, and meditation.