Study and Practice!

The process of spiritual unfoldment is a gradual one. As Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda describes:

Study alone is not enough; there must be practice. Think of the great ideas constantly. Compare the way you have been living and the ideal you have.

Feel ashamed of the disparity between the two. The courage and strength to live up to what you aspire to must come from within you. Nobody else can do this for you. And to discover it, you need more and more study, discussion, and personal mental engagement in these ideas.
Constantly, you have to expose your personality to this ethereal healthy atmosphere. Then your personality starts unfolding. As a result, you start expressing it now and then unconsciously.

You feel good that you could withstand a little temptation or maintain your equanimity in the face of a tragedy that would have shaken you up earlier.

Slowly you begin to glimpse the changes that have come about in yourself as a result of your study. These must gradually become a part of your personality, and then you can say, “Yes, I have gained from the Study Groups.”