Spiritual Foundations- CORD’s Journey
The journey of individuals through svadhyaya, study of oneself, is itself about letting go of the various entanglements by which we have chained ourselves.
The release of these chains unfolds our true Nature, as we let go of the ego that binds us from the discovery of the ultimate Truth. At CORD, we have learned from Gurudev: “Spirituality is neither a privilege of the poor nor the luxury of the rich.
It is the choice of the wise man.” In one of his letters to the Founder of CORD in 1993, Gurudev guided her to first begin with the Hindi translation of A Manual of Self-Unfoldment in the communities rather than Kindle Life, the two basic books written by him for a novice.
Gurudev also encouraged simple bhajan competitions for the village women and community under training at CORD. One of the competitions was held in his presence in the ashrama.
From that beginning to the present, through selfless work, CORD facilitates the spirit of self-unfoldment for both the sevikas (those who serve) and the recipients of the programs. This spiritual thread underlies the foundation of CORD.