Seek True Success!

No doubt, let all young men seek success in life. Let them strive, struggle, and adventure forth. Let everyone earn as much as they can, save, give, and thus serve as many as possible, in their community and nation. Wealth in itself is innocent; philosophy is not against wealth. He should not leave his capacity to earn and produce, but leave only the thirst for creating wealth. ‘Desire for wealth’ is the relationship that the individual keeps subjectively with the objects of the world, which he believes can probably give him happiness. Thirst for it destroys our equanimity. Let him enjoy as much as it is his desserts — popularity, affection, consideration, and even reverence from others. But these are to be considered only as hobbies; the main occupation of life should be the art of self-purification, the craftsmanship of seeking perfection. The real achievement is to be gained in one’s own personal inner contemplation.