Today on the auspicious occasions of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti and Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti – let us look at how selfless service helps a seeker walk the path of spiritual unfoldment. Our Salutations to the two great idols who have shaped our nation and her people with their unrelenting loving service!
Selfless dedicated service to the world in an attitude of worship is the way and the path. The greatest adoration that one can pay to his Creator is to fully bring out the faculties given to him from above to the altar of service to all His creatures.
Thus, in the beginning, the seeker discovers in selfless activity a means to purify himself, whereby his mind expands to discover in it an accommodation of the whole universe of creatures.
By this process his ego, with its vanity, lust, greed and selfishness are all removed. A mind so purified comes to manifest its powers of #contemplation, and thus the seeker enhances his capacity to meditate.
Meditating under this stepped up momentum, the person rises into new heights of self-discovery of the oneness of life which in its turn makes him more and more a dedicated servant of mankind. Outer sadhana is service to the society. Without outer #sadhana, inner sadhana is not possible.
First do the outer sadhana; then slowly, slowly go to the inner sadhana of contemplation and study. In short, true selfless actions help meditation, and successful #meditation makes the meditator more and more selfless and loving. In this mutual synthesis, the seeker marches ahead into the portals of the Self, wherein he experiences samadhi. Such great men alone have ever successfully served the society.