Recharge your Inner Batteries- Chinmayaranyam

Recharge your Inner Batteries- Chinmayaranyam- Andhra Pradesh

The tale of this beautiful ashram- Chinmayaranyam is an inspiration by itself!
Ellayapalle was an unknown village till the land was donated to Swamini Saradapriyananda for establishing an ashram in the remote village of the drought prone Kadapa district. Pujya Gurudev visited the place on 8th February 1982 and declared very enthusiastically, “This Ashram will come up very well. The whole country will look at this. There is not doubt about this.”

It was as if the visionary with his unending love had set in motion the forces that were to operate there and the type of services to come up. By the end of the month one postgraduate brahmachari came and started a night school and satsangs in the village, within three months 4-5 kutias were built and within one year destitute were being fed. Similarly two orphan girls were brought and the Satya Kama Mandir was started which gives the gift of a new spiritually holistic life to many children!
There was a point when there was no water in this land. Yet Gurudev said, “When God gave us land why not water too? Lord will send Ganga Devi either from the hillock or the earth!” Exactly as told by Gurudev the geology department people had pointed out three points and told that this land contains water. So we had three bore wells , two for motor pumps and one for daily use.

Within eight months the electricity power connections were ready and the water started flowing! The empty barren land started turning into a green Garden of Flora and Fauna! !
Today, Chinmayaranyam with its divine plethora social services like poor feeding, spiritual training (Telugu Sandeepany), Sarada vocational training centre for women, medical services and more, keeps the Chinmaya Vision glowing and burning brightly alive!

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