Observe the result of concentration all around you in the world. The sun’s rays converging on a point through a focusing lens would burn the thing on which they are concentrated. All successful professionals owe their success to single-pointed efforts. Thoughts of problems yield to undivided attention.
Application of a divided mind brings about indifferent results. Every person is a potential genius. Most of us are able to use only an insignificant part of our infinite potentialities. We have unlimited powers, which we have not learned to tap and make use of. It is a question of rediscovering ourselves.
The mind is ever busy fluttering from one object to another. The flow of thoughts is ceaseless.
Obviously, before the mind can be made to concentrate on anything, it must be cultivated. The intellect should assert its mastery over the mind and order it to stop all thoughts except the thought of the common denominator.
By assiduous practice, the mind can learn to think of only one thing at a time. Such a mind would indeed be a force to be reckoned with. Having become conscious of its true nature, such a mind would not be disturbed by either passing sorrows or ephemeral joys. Prosperity cannot spoil it nor can adversity degrade it. Realisation of the Supreme Goal of life would give a new edge to life, and all the passing shows of the world would appear in their stark nakedness, stripped of their power to delude. .
All curtains would lift before the penetrating gaze of a mind thus established in Pure Consciousness through regular meditation. Shorn of all complexes, it would no more be assailed by doubts and fears. Be regular in meditation. Be sincere. Be pure. Meditation can never fail. It will ever be a success. Failures in meditation bring greater gains than success in life. Meditate – meditate – meditate, and meditate.