The four core principles are the four strong pillars for implementing the comprehensive vision of CORD, where different issues are dealt with holistically, in an integrated manner, with the local people as the driving force. The recipients of the program must believe in the potential within each one of them
to participate actively and change.
Likewise, the providers should change their top-down, rigid, and compartmentalized approach, as well as refrain from treating the poor as if they have no insight and need to be ‘taught.’ To enable the poor and underprivileged to participate effectively in their own advancement and make informed decisions, their knowledge, capacities, and skills need to be built persistently, consistently, and continuously for meaningful and relevant change to occur. Such capacity-building has to be at the community’s pace, with the community’s insights and wisdom synergized with concurrent developmental changes, leveraging other stakeholders, including governmental organizations. Over the years, CORD’s approach to helping people has moved from welfare-based programs to empowering development programs so that individuals and communities become self-reliant, empowered, and responsible, and individuals are able to live their lives with dignity.
The essence of CORD’s work is empowering development through active participation and involvement of the community in the decision-making process. With their contributions in terms of time, effort, and their own small payments toward their group’s expenses, people develop responsibility and ownership, thus addressing issues with integration and sustainability.