In this letter, Gurudev while lovingly addressing the Swamins and Brahmacharins of the Mission, also offers some tips on Public Speaking and Oratory:
Yours is the job of communication. You have to deliver your knowledge for the full understanding of your listeners. Each group of listeners will be of different types, with varying levels of understanding. The successful speaker will be he who can judge the crowd of listeners around him and intelligently modulate his speech to the ability, mood and interest of the crowd.
In short, learn to love your listeners, and feel a sincere concern for their welfare. The rest will come to you. You will not go wrong.
With a cheerful smiling face, look straight into the eyes of the audience and speak.
Let your gaze sweep over the entire crowd all the time, without lingering at any one spot in the hall, or at an section of the audience. Let your voice be modulated to reach everyone, even those in the last row.
When you have brought the last row to attend with interest and enthusiasm, you have conquered the audience.