Letters From Gurudev – Simple Sadhanas for a Healthy Body

The Rishis who have walked the path and reached their goal, have found three different means of training and taking the three aspects of us personality – the physical, mental and intellectual – in Western language the body, mind and will.

At the body level learn to live with minimum comforts, because once we indulge in comforts, the demand will grow, consuming all our time and energy in satisfying them all. Spend your time in doing your duties towards parents, the family and the society. In performing work as fulfilment of duty, there can be no selfish desires ; the reward is on the very you inherent in doing the duty well.

In this also there must be definite boundaries, ‘Thus far and no further’. These limits are to be fixed lovingly by each individual for himself. Don’t allow yourself to get tired and exhausted, with no time for your prayers and study.

Partake of nourishing food in a cheerful mood, in well-restrained intelligent quantities, twice a day, and take some simple exercises to keep your body from and vigorous. All excesses are to be wisely weeded out from your day’s programme. Drinking lots of water at room temperature and fasting off and on, should keep you free from unnecessary illness. Remembrance of the Lord, kirtans and bhajans, humming His name to yourself, should help you live a physically healthy life of no dissipation.