Education based on our culture is necessary. Then only it becomes true education. What is given out in schools today is not education, only instruction.
Schools and Colleges are only institutes; teachers and professors are only instructors. Instructors in institutes ‘instruct’ how to do things and how to earn a living.
Today all we want is to earn our livelihood. Noble virtues are ignored; character is at a disgraceful level.
We only want a comfortable job- minimum work with maximum pay.
Teachers in our schools have been trained with ideals of shaping the students into noble citizens. In addition to the normal academic syllabus required by Government, they give importance to a moral education.
The idea is to ensure that the schools not only produce academically brilliant students, but also turn out ideal citizens of the future.
Character formation, respect for elders, devotion to God, truthfulness, along with a good sense of discipline- all these virtues are emphasized.