Geeta Bytes- The Yagna Spirit

Geeta Bytes- The Yagna Spirit
(Excerpts from Chapter 3 of the Holy Geeta)

Only when people come forward to act in a spirit of cooperation and self-dedication, can the community get itself freed from its shackles of poverty and sorrow.

And such activities can be undertaken in a spirit of Divine loyalty, only when the worker has no attachment. The deity that blesses the worker in a field of activity can be nothing other than THE PRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL in that given field.

When we apply in any situation our true and sincere work, the efforts and sacrifices so made, as it were, invoke the PRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL in that situation, which comes to manifest and bless the worker.

It is obvious that the productivity that is dormant in any situation can be invoked only by man’s sincere efforts.

This potential which generally lies dormant everywhere is the Deva or deity to be cherished by the worker through the Yajna activities, and certainly the Deva will manifest itself to cherish, or to bless the worker.

Thus cherishing one another, man shall gain the Highest Good, is the Divine intention in the mind of the creator, says Krishna in this stanza.

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