Geeta Bytes- Live Inspired! (Chapter 2, Verse 38)

It is very well known that in all activities, inspired work gathers to itself a texture of divine perfection which cannot be imitated or oft-repeated. Be he a poet or an artist, a doctor or a speaker; irrespective of his profession, whenever an individual is at his best, his masterpiece is always accepted by all as a work of inspiration.

When we thus work with the thrilled ecstasy of an unknown mood called inspiration, the ideas, thoughts, and activity that come out of us have a ringing beauty of their own, which cannot be otherwise mechanically repeated by us.

Thus Da Vinci could not repeat for a second time and copy on another piece of canvas the enigmatic smile of his Mona Lisa. Keats pen could no more recapture for a second time the song of the Nightingale in its flight.

Beethoven could never again beat out of his faithful piano a second Moonlight Sonata. Lord Krishna himself, when requested by Arjuna after the war to repeat the Geeta admitted his inability to do so!!