Decoding the Values that Build our Lives

Be a grownup giant of spiritual strength who can give love to the whole world and bathe the world in love. Even fasting for a day in the name of the Lord is tapas; facing insult and honor equally is tapas; loving and serving all are also tapas.

A positive mind does not merely eschew jealousy, but rejoices in the prosperity of others; it does not merely refrain from hating, but it loves; it does not just tolerate, but it forgives; it does not merely desist from telling lies, but it always speaks the truth; it is not only free of greed, but it is generous.

Kindness and a sense of cheerfulness can always bring the mind to poise and grandeur.

Truthfulness, meaning intellectual honesty, is an unavoidable requisite for every spiritual seeker. To think one way and to feel differently and ultimately to act belying one’s own convictions is to live a dishonest life, which brings disintegration of one’s inner personality.

Truth is intellectual conviction expressed honestly. Falsehood creates a self-cancellation of one’s convictions and leads to a split personality.