CIF- The What of the Grand Vision

CIF- The What of The Grand Vision!

Three weeks after the announcement of CIF, Gurudev was already chasing his Kerala strategic team to get moving with the process. As for him, he was already drafting the Trust Deed: “Aims and Objectives must emphasise research- publishing, holding seminars, conducting conventions, organizing camps, encouraging study tours, inviting foreign students to join us- to work and learn. Encourage scholars to come and work with us for our research projects; exchange of students: organizers international parliament of religions every five years; research in Sanskrit language and its propagation around the world.”
A key theme underlying Gurudev’s intiative and efforts was the recognition of Adi Shankara’s pioneering efforts, followed by a keen desire to keep that lamp burning bright in all hearts. In every communication of Gurudev’s, this thought loomed large.
When CIF was to be housed at the birth home of Sri Adi Shankara, Gurudev’s Gurudev said, “This is the most appropriate place to do such
research work, because it was here that the great commentator of Upanishads, Adi Sankara, was born. If not for Sankara’s commentaries, we would not have understood the hidden meanings and depths of our spiritual heritage.”

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