Chinmaya Udghosh- Making Work-life Brighter!

With these tips from Chinmaya Udghosh- our International Youth Magazine,

Let your checklist get smaller,
Let your ideas get brighter! 🙂

1. Plan out your weeks and days in advance – Planning always helps in executing the vision the way you aim for, allowing you to complete tasks and leaves time for innovations.

2. Invest in Learning- Read up, discuss, learn all the way at work. Knowledge is power!

3. Automate Tasks- Schedule and automate whatever you can, saves time and energy. .

4. Use Do Not Disturb on your phone- Focus is the key. You can always check your phone when you are free.

5. Don’t Multitask- Contrary to popular notion, multitasking can hamper attention and concentration abilities. Complete one task at a time with perfection. .

6. Do important work- Prioritize your tasks. Strike off those that are important on your list first.

7. Become organized- Try your best of organize and discipline yourselves. It goes a long way in making one successful. Stick to your planners as much as possible. .

8. Limit emails to 3x per day or less- Be it emails or WhatsApp messages these days, lessen the time you dedicate to them, unless really necessary.

9. Measure results, not time- Be result-oriented. Time taken may be more or less, the goals accomplished matter. .

10.Stick to a routine- Finish off your mundane tasks earlier. That leaves you with time for thinking out-of-the-box.

11. Work in blocks- Break your goals down into doable chunks. Go block-by-block to construct the luxurious apartments of your dream.

12. Turn off notifications for unimportant apps- We have this habit of aimlessly scrolling through our notifications. Turn them off, saves time, protects energy.

13. Relieve stress- Rejuvenate Yourself! Go for walks, learn something creative, read a book, listen to music.

14. Find tasks to eliminate- As said earlier, strike off tasks you do regularly by doing them in advance. .

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