All Are His Children!

All Are His Children!

Once a devotee had a strong desire to witness the Kumbha Mela at Haridwar, where he met Gurudev and followed him to Chittoor via Madras. There he expressed his wish to visit other spiritual centres like Puttaparthi, Ramanashram, Vivekananda Rock Memorial, etc.

Gurudev gave him a lot of guidance and planned the tour for him. The devotee’s aunt had given him Rs 200, which was quite substantial in those times to be offered to Gurudev who accepted it but gave it back asking the devotee to use it for travel.

Gurudev gave him a few letters of introduction to mission members at various places, because of which he had no problems while visiting the ashrams and temples. . Gurudev would tell people, “Look after him. He is my son.”