Chinmaya Mission Jaipur organized a Bhagwat Gyan Yajna by Swami Abhedananda Ji from 10th to 15th November at Devrishi Narada Sabhagrah at Malviya Nagar, Jaipur. Text for evening sessions was 10th Canto of Shrimad Bhagwatam while for morning sessions were third valli of Kathopanishad.
Swami ji’s typical style of delivering discourses made the audience spell bound during the discourses. He explained in details how Gopis of Vrindavan expressed their love and devotion for Lord Krishna to Udhav.
Simultaneously he explained and inspired the present seekers to intensify their devotion towards the Lord.
In morning sessions he very beautifully explained how Lord explained the queries of Nachiketa.
The yagna was enthusiastically attended by over 200 seekers!