QnA With Guruji- How do we go about setting great goals?
Setting the right goal is important. Understanding of goals helps us to set right goals. Goals can be divided into the immediate (intermediary) and the ultimate (final).
The intermediate goals can be further divided into:
a. Immediate goal is what we need to do today or in the immediate future. Often people plan for a great future ahead, but waste their present. A well planned daily routine gives us time to utilize our present well.
b. Short-term goal is what we plan to achieve within the next two to four years.
c. Long-term goal is what we want to be in the next five to fifteen years.
We play many roles in our lives. For every role that we play in the present and we shall play in the future, we must have
a goal. What type of a son, student, spouse, professional, parent, citizen or grandparent do I want to be?
What should I do to achieve that? We usually make plans and work hard only for achieving professional goals. We do not empower ourselves to become ideal citizens or spouses. Some only put forth efforts when relationships are on the verge of breaking.
Children have only immediate goals and live in the present.The youth plan their short-term goals, dream about long-term goals but often do not plan and waste away their present in indulgence.
As adults they are too busy in the present and plan only for future financial security. The elderly live in the worry of fulfilling their immediate and short-term goals. Alas, none think of the ultimate goal.
Everyone seems to have a different goal in life. But are they really different? Is there something common in them? Do we all not want to be happy at the end of the day?
The doctor, the actor or social worker – all want ‘never-ending’ and ‘ever-increasing’ happiness. We all want ‘eternal and infinite happiness’. That is the only ultimate goal of every human being, irrespective of their age, nationality, religion, class or colour.