Living a Life of Spiritual Dynamism

Within a given fixed arc the pendulum of life moves between peace and war. It is a losing game to dedicate one’s life to bringing about a perfect readjustment of the world. At best, a mere patch work job can be done by individual effort.

To herald in an era of peace, we have to help every human being live the enduring spiritual values of renunciation, desirelessness, non-attachment and true understanding, which requires an universal program of blessing an entire generation with teachings of Vedänta.

Let the world wait. It has endured long and has lived through much more horrid circumstances. We may safely conclude, therefore, that it will ever remain so. Let each one try his best to complete his own self-education.

When a hundred persons come forward to live and experience Truth, staying where they are, then those hundred will become the invisible team for uplifting the world. Their spiritual dynamism is the only answer for the material challenge of atomic and hydrogen bombs.