Man, when left alone, will become spiritual. The secular, materialistic world will not allow you to think. Therefore we have radio, television, dance, and so on — all to distract the mind. The fit environment for aloneness is not on the mountaintop or in a quiet cave. Be at your meditation seat where you renounce all your relationships with the world around.
For the time being, you are to be neither a brother nor a sister; neither a father nor a mother, not a Hindu or a Christian. These are only relationships. ‘Short-tall,’ ‘fat-lean’ — these belong to the body. ‘Happy–unhappy’ — these belong to the mind. ‘A believer-a nonbeliever’ — these are of the intellect.
Detach, detach — be alone. And when you are alone, you are with the Ᾱtman — that is the alone place. You are afraid of loneliness because you do not have the courage to meet yourself and see the parade of your past — recognize that hobbies are your values.
You discover that you have a great image of yourself, but the real you is something else. You need not search for God. Be with yourself, and you will turn to God!
Prayer is a silent mind. Prayer should be done in the depth of your mind, in the silence of your personality.