Beloved Children,
Jaya Jaya Gange Hara Hara!
It is the privilege of man to love. It is the dignity of a devotee to love all as His creatures. It is the beauty of life that we have this faculty in us to love. We have to cultivate and enrich it in our heart.
A man of commercial temperament in loving others, expects them to love him back. If he does not receive love, he feels extremely unhappy, terribly disappointed, severely crushed. All of you must have felt this; you must have watched this around you. Hereafter be alert, and be on the lookout for this folly. When you see its play in others, observe how they make themselves unhappy by it. Whenever such a thought rises in you, blast it up immediately.
Repeat at once, in yourself, ‘I am not a beggar for others’ love, I have not come into this world to beg for love, I am here to distribute, to donate, to spread, to shower, to squander love on all others. I am here to flood the world around me with my irresistible love, like Sri Krishna, Sri Ramachandra, the Rishis, Sri Buddha, Sri Narayana Guru and others.’ Nip the wrong thought in its bud. Grow to be my children, each a dynamic lover of the world, marching out for giving love and not looking out for receiving love.
Very few are rich in love in themselves. How can they give, who have none in themselves? But you are a Bala Vihar member, a Chinmaya child. You must develop this capacity to love, and learn to flood life with your love by giving love, asking for nothing in return, expecting nothing, wanting nothing.
Serve all – service of others is the expression of love. Service is the outer expression of the love in your inner heart. See how your mother, father and others serve you, because they love you. We will learn to love all people and animals and plants – for all are Lord Jagadeeshvara Himself. Don’t feel cheated if others do not give you love. The Lord Himself serves us all every moment, even when we don’t love Him in return! Let us be godlike in our love for others – always and in all ways.