Voice of Guruji-CHYK- Face Your Challenges

CHYK- Face Your Challenges- Guruji Speaks

Any person going into any field of life will definitely face challenges,
but he or she has to stand there and face them. The primary requirement in this game of life is a spiritual vision.

Have a plan of action and have inspiration toward what you want to achieve in your field, and then implement your plan. Gurudev used to say, “Plan out your work, and then work out your plan.”

In life, all of us are required to do two things; one is to face life as
it comes to us, and the second is to make our life in terms of what we visualize or aspire for.

We see that certain situations can cause a person to completely break down, as he or she doesn’t know how to face it. The focus is generally on what is needed but lacking. Many claim that they have insufficient resources to achieve what they have to.

The Chinmaya Yuva Kendra’s activities, programs, and events are
meant to prepare the youth to face life squarely, and also to build their own lives according to their own vision.

Wanting is not enough. We must keep doing. Remember, to realize our dreams, we have to stay awake!

His blessings are always with us all. We Can! We Must! We Will!