You are what You Make Yourself!

You are what You Make Yourself!

The type of body, mind and intellect that you have at this moment and the environment created around you, with the specific qualities of objects, emotions and thoughts, are all ordered by your own vasanas (tendencies) that predominate at this moment.

Our own idleness in the form of tamas (dullness) and rajas (agitations) are the limitations of self-effort.

A true seeker never stops to think of the limitations, but continues putting forth total effort with eyes glued to the goal.

The general notion is that we are destined to be what we are. You are welcome to this pessimism, but real spiritual seekers are always extremely optimistic.

They know that they are what they are because of their own past.

Therefore, they will be what they want by changing their present, which in the future will become their past.

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